group photo at putrajaya
i'm back ytd
around 6.30
a 5 day trip in total
lots of new friends
i love it
hope to go other places next time
1st day
reached HTA around 7
everyone not toking
but to their sch only
i like emoing
cus noone from my sch
depart around 7.30
n go to tuas
so a bit late
change to a malaysia bus
JER 8699
bus two
reached yong peng
bought a mineral drink
then depart for mallaca
go to IPPK (Ibu Perjabut Polis Kontingent)
learn a bit there n here
then go to have chendol at a place
waited around 1nhalf hr for the bus
cus one bus tyre puntured
then went to KL
have dinner
have nonya food
then chendol again
then have reflections
then go back hotel
stay with Shan Leong
lol, a jokey guy
called as Mr. Boyfriend by the CI lian kiat
2nd day
5.30 morning call
6.30 breakfast
went to IPD (Ibu Polis Daerah)
thats for destrict
learn from police again
than went to sunway pyramid
to shop
n for dinner at Hartz Chiken Buffet
Shan Leong n zheng Xiong
play the true or dare
keep messing up with the girls
damn funny
then got debrief
xiong kena chosen for reflection
n two others
that day everyone started to noe each other
third day
full u again
wake up a biit late
then went to PULAPOL KL
the police academy
went to see K9
shooting range
nice all got demo
then went to muzium of polis
lots of artifect
went to a cocoa place
bought some chocalates
for mum n TO
then depart with one bus to klcc
have dinner
went back hotel by LRT
faster in that way
reflection sharing by peng ning n wenting
n one more
finally got one girl sharing
4th day
wake up call at 5.30
went to forensik polis
kena delayed by some overslept people
found out some people kena scolded n complained ytd
7 musketeers
after that went back to PULAPOL
to meet the police cadets
learn lots of new cheer n song
their leader GOPAL brought us in our memory
damn high after leaving the place
everyone cheering n singing song in the bus
we excort by the polis to the central market
all the cars going one side
then went for dinner at Kampong Belimbing
for dinner
n watch firefly
glowing in the dark
the berembang tree like become a christmas tree
return to hotel the bus was alive
with songs, cheers
everyone noe each other already
compete with girls with songs
then got ghost stories by LK
reached hotel
got debrief
then me, syafie, gideon need to share our reflections
hah all from bus 2
the reflection like only got three from bus one
the others from bus 2
then went back to sleep
final day
all arrive early in morning
everyone feel so bonded
the girls start to "show their true colours"
keep taking photos
n other stuff
went to sarang buaya
to see the plantation stuff
n gula melaka
then went for final meal
in a building
everyone was taking their chance
to take photo
n exchange numbers
reached back to Singapore
quite early
took a final bus 2 photo
then went home
hope to remain bonded
bus 2
20 cadets from different schs
got together
means something
everlasting friendship
if any bus 2 people is seeing this
please put down your blog address at my tagboard
invite me to your sch activities
next time
rmb me
onwards NPCC
onwards glory
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