Thursday, 1 April 2010

birthday and updates

happy april fools everyone. Start of april today. Counting down to the number of months left before we step down and prepare to step into the hall for our o level papers.

mon was my birthday, Thank you for all the birthday wishes, either through sms or through facebook. Thank you, and the class for singing like 3/4 times the birthday song. Thanks.

Tue was cross country. This years cross country was at macritchie reservoir. First time walking into there. Nvr run competitive this year, apparently not so fit actually. Ran mass run, 3++km, tiring. Left early for crescent investiture. Went back school with the rest, went to bath then set off for crescent investiture. I hate the school blazer, too large in size, hoping for a smaller size during my investiture. Crescent invest was nice, second time going for their investiture, similar but different. "Living and Leaving a legacy" was the theme. Good and a appropriate theme. went for their school tour again and many changes have been made to their school.

Ytd, was last day of the secondary 4 prefect doing duty. Announced the new incoming excos for the year 2010-2011. Hope we had done well and hope you all can continue with what we had done. Learnt hard and adapt fast before the excos officially step down. seek help if you need.

Today was april fools day. Quite a large amt of jokes happening today. Quite funny.

Finally, the new school banner is up, and mine banner is up too. Quite nice, but my name on the banner was wrong. Xianzzz. Heard that a larger one will be up soon, should be quite big, covering a few stories. The one like a family photo de. Should be quite nice. look forward to it.

Going to step down soon. Making all the preparation work for stepping. passing on the stuffs that we had done so far. 21st April will be mine investiture. Plannings are undergoing now, hope to have a very nice and pleasant investiture. POP is postponed further, should at 8 May. Quite late.

Hope those who have step down, to focus and work hard for olevels. FOr those who have step up, pls dun dissappoint your seniors and put in more hard work than what they had put in.

Always Aflame
Never Extinguish

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